
3 Series

3 Series

Cost effective, continuous 360 degree thermal monitoring is now available with Thermal Radar.

Thermal Radar™ is a network-based thermal surveillance and detection solution providing constant 360° situational awareness. By rapidly rotating a FLIR Boson thermal sensor and running edge analytics, Thermal Radar™ can be used
as a stand-alone detection outpost or the centerpiece of your integrated physical security strategy. The patent-pending Thermal Radar™ GUI integrates with VMS and PSIM platforms by displaying the full 360° detection area, integrated geospatial map, and event alerts.

Features at a Glance:

Day or Night / Fair or Bad Weather System, Powerful Onboard Video Analytics, Completely Undetectable, Fully Self Contained Surveillance Solution, Highly Flexible Alert Platform, Cost Effective, Rugged and Reliable, Lightweight and Portable, GeoSpatial.

Cost effective, continuous 360 degree thermal monitoring is now available with Thermal Radar.